Literature and Case Studies

Thorough overviews of our solutions' capabilities.

Code Alert Literature

Safe Place Literature

Help Alert Literature

Corporate Literature

Case Studies

Senior Living
Lakeport Skilled Nursing Center

Resolving RF interference in the assisted living and long-term care setting: a case study.

Senior Living
Carlton Senior Living

Carlton Senior Living is driving efforts in the areas of life safety innovation and standardized operations, with the goal of enhancing the experience of its residents.

White Papers

Safe Havens: Navigating the Path to Safe and Secure Schools

Explore the critical safety and security gaps common across U.S. schools and emphasize the need for comprehensive strategies to better protect students, faculty, and staff.  Through examination of current challenges, best practices, and case studies, it proposes recommendations for safer learning environments.

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Organized by Brand


Code Alert

Safe Place

Help Alert
