Keeping Staff Educated with Clinical Education
What is clinical education?
“Clinical education” refers to programs and formal supervised experiential learning, focused on the educational development of staff and application of patient/client-centered skills and professional behaviors.
Educating your staff.
Staff education is one of the most important things a hospital can do. It helps nurses and other healthcare providers be better at their jobs and be more prepared for unpredictable and spontaneous events, which leads to better patient care. 87% of millennials say that professional development is one of the most important factors in a job, and so, staff education keeps morale up and reduces turnover. Improving morale and reducing turnover can save hospitals thousands of dollars every year on recruitment alone.

Clinical education is a key component of staff education. It allows you to maintain your staffing ratios while providing ongoing training for new nurses and others who need more hands-on experience with clients. By investing in clinical education programs for staff members, you can help keep your patients safe while improving quality outcomes and reducing costs at the same time!
Clinical education helps with the nursing shortage.
The nursing shortage is a problem that has been plaguing the healthcare industry for years, and it seems like it’s only getting worse. Hospitals are finding it difficult to hire and retain nurses due to a lack of potential educators, high turnover, and inequitable workforce distribution.
Factors driving the nursing shortage include:
- Aging Population – the United States has the largest population of people 65+ in American in history
- Aging Workforce – 55 percent of the registered nurse workforce is 50+
- Nurse Burnout – high levels of stress lead to burnout in the nursing profession
- Career and Family – the vast majority of nurses are female and maternity presents employment challenges
- Financials – education is expensive and the cost of living has risen dramatically while wages remain stagnant; this means nurses are having trouble paying rent/mortgages on top of student loans from college
- Violence in the Healthcare Setting – the ever-present threat of emotional and physical abuse continues to play a major role in the nursing shortage
Nursing shortages can have negative effects on hospitals and patients alike, so it’s important to take care of nursing staff. A happy nurse is a hard-working nurse who feels appreciated by their employer. Once a nurse is on board with their new position, the focus should be on training them properly. This is so they know what’s expected and have the tools to properly work their role as a healthcare provider. This is where clinical education comes in handy – it gives nurses the right tools for success.
Continued education and clinical education can help with retention and turnover.
Continued education and clinical education can help with both retention and turnover.
For example, if a nurse is enrolled in a program that requires them to keep their license active, they are less likely to leave the company. This is because the nurse feels like they are getting something out of their job (continued education) and want to continue working at this company because of this benefit. The same goes for any continuing education courses or training programs you offer employees; it shows them how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication as well as helps them grow professionally, which makes them more likely to stay on board longer.
Give your staff members an opportunity to learn. The key to keeping employees on board is education. If they are not educated, then they will not be able to perform their jobs well. They will potentially leave for other opportunities where they feel more useful. This is good news for employers, who want to take the steps necessary to retain staff.
Hospital staff that receive clinical education are less likely to get sued.
It’s clear that clinical education is a vital part of keeping your staff safe and helping them avoid lawsuits. It’s also important for you to make sure that the people in your facility are getting the best possible education. Here are a few tips to help you find the right kind of clinical education for your staff:
- Consider what type of training each member of your team needs. Some people will need more intense training, while others may only need basic knowledge.
- Talk to other managers at other facilities who have had success with their own programs before creating one yourself.
- Ask patients about how well they were treated by hospital staff during their last visit (or any recent visits). You’ll want feedback from both satisfied and dissatisfied customers so that you can learn where improvements could be made in future interactions between patients and hospital personnel.
Continued education through clinical education can help keep patient satisfaction high.
- Patients are happier when their nurses are well-trained.
- Providing clinical education can help you retain staff members.
- Staff members who learn through clinical education tend to be happier, more productive, and less likely to leave the hospital.
- Continued education results in better patient care.
Clinical education helps keep morale up.
Clinical education helps keep morale up. Morale is an important aspect of any company, especially in the healthcare industry. Clinical education can help with employee retention and satisfaction, as well as engagement. The more engaged your employees are, the less likely they’ll be to leave your company for another opportunity elsewhere.
All of these benefits lead to better patient care, lower costs, and higher profits for hospitals.
Clinical education can help your hospital with the nursing shortage. Nurses are more likely to stay at your hospital for longer if they are trained on a regular basis and have continued education in the field. This can help reduce hiring costs, turnover rates, and boost patient satisfaction.
Continued clinical education is also beneficial because it allows medical staff members to follow changes in healthcare trends and technologies that may affect their work environment or specific patients. This allows them to provide better care for patients by keeping up with new treatments or procedures as they become available.
Medical professionals who continue their training are less likely to make mistakes when diagnosing a patient or performing surgery due to knowing more about their field than other doctors who do not receive further education after graduating from school.”
The overall impact of educating staff.
In the world of healthcare, nurses are some of the most important people. They spend their days caring for, protecting, and helping patients recover. If you are a nurse or work in a hospital setting, it’s essential that you keep up with your education. This is so that you can provide the best possible care to your patients.
Clinical education is an excellent way to promote the best possible care. This is because it allows nurses to get hands-on experience while learning new skills. This kind of training provides invaluable lessons on everything from proper procedures to necessary communication skills. This is especially helpful with patients who have special needs.