Support Portal

You have questions, we have solutions.

RF Technologies tech support

Tech Support

See our most FAQs on tech issues. Learn some tips and find discontinued software and hardware lists. Along with being able to connect with our tech support to help you with any of your tech issues.

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Sales Support

Hear from an RFT sales rep on our products and how they can help keep your patients safe. Whether your a new customer or an existing customer asking for general product information, we are happy to help

RF Technologies has Customer Care

Customer Experience

Reorder products or ask about specific product parts our customer experience is here for you. See some FAQs on our services and solutions.

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Clinical Education

Learn about comprehensive and customized training options for your facility. With all the different options, see how we can help you stay up to date with your system.

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RFT University

Whether you are a customer wanting to get educated or a partner wanting to gather materials, you can find what you need at the RFT University.

Having trouble finding what you're looking for?

Call 262 790-1771, option 3, email or use the contact form below.

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