Staff members can use a proximity card reader or swipe card reader for quick alarm bypass or system access. Quickly and easily clear an alarm at a monitored exit point with a swipe of a badge that identifies the user. Card swipes can be tracked using system software – generate a report of system activities by user to help monitor activity. Custom-configure each exit point – doors can be individually set as locked or unlocked, and can be set to allow bypass by authorized users. A Reader Combiner enables a card reader to be installed on each side of a monitored door – both readers connect to the same exit controller, a simple solution that enables bypass from both sides. This saves energy and time and allows staff to be more mobile.
Integrated Door & System Access
Making Easy Access
Setting the Scene
Get where You Need to Go
Choose the Card Reader
that Fits Your Facility
Proximity card readers use a small, coin-shaped transponder tag, and swipe card readers use magnetic stripe and barcode cards. Both types of readers can be connected to your system’s touchpad exit controller (TEC) to trigger bypass cycles and reset alarms on the TEC. Card readers and the TEC conveniently share a common power supply feed.
Create an Instant Proximity Card Transponder tags can be attached to any non-metallic card or device, such as cell phones or PDAs. For the convenience of proximity without the expense of re-badging, simply attach the tag with the Micro-Prox tag’s adhesive backing to create a proximity card.